
Might as well get it out of the way then.

I am Miller. I’m a photographer and a writer sometimes, even occasionally in a professional capacity, but mostly I’m a bartender. I also have an internship in marketing for an arts non-profit.  Okay, okay, I’m poor.

I had to start lighting weights and running because I talk too much and it might come back at me eventually, so I needed to be able to back up my smack talk.

I just quit smoking, but I can’t let go of Merced Marlboro Man. It’s the best handle I’ve ever had.

I come from ranch people.

I never finished college, but it seems to be working out okay.

I’m still not sure why anyone lets me do anything at all, but I don’t question it too much because I’m just happy to be here.

I’m mean and sensitive. It’s the worst.

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